Wingstop is like KFC's bigger, harder older brother, the one who went to borstal and wears gang colours in the library. The music is deafening (brilliant too, if you like the old garage tunes "I'll bring you flowers, in the pouring ray-ay-ain" etc you'll love it), while when these guys say "hot", they mean HOT!!!!! They aren't messing around here, this is an in your face eating experience, not for the faint hearted.
We went to the one in Bristol. Having negotiated the queue, we were met by the ubiquitous "have you been here before?" greeter. He explained at some length how you order, what a chicken is, the fact that you can top your drinks up and other stuff (I didn't really listen to be honest). He didn't tell us THE most important thing of all though, so I'll tell you it here. It is this, IN THIS EATERY, HOT MEANS REALLY, REALLY HOT. There's a range of sauces for your chicken (wings or tenders) and they're arranged on a thermometer kind of visual, obviously hottest towards the top. I ordered the second from the top, habanero arse blisterer or something (it wasn't actually, literally called that obviously, don't ask for it) so I suppose I WAS warned. That said, I like a chicken madras, an occasional vindalu even, and this was seriously searingly hot in comparison even to those. Sarah had a "Louisiana rub" or "Lemon and thyme and stuff" or something, in the bottom third of heat and EVEN THAT was hot. You've been warned.
Anyway, the chicken is great. The chips are fab (I had the lemon pepper ones which were best), and you can refill your coke if the machine is working (there was a problem when we were there). They even sell beer (Camden).
I think this is good fast food. I must confess I'm a bit of a KFC fan but I like Wingstop a lot. I'm not sure as a 55 year old bloke that I'd go in on my own, but I wouldn't exactly protest the next time the kids suggest we go.
It's good, try it. Please though, remember the heat.