Monday, 17 February 2025

A few words on Johnnie Jackson.....

Go onto any WhatsApp group of Wimbledon fans and there'll be a debate which keeps on recurring. On one side of it there'll be folks who heap praise on the manager, on the other there'll be a group who sprinkle that praise, their teeth firmly gritted while they're doing it.

For the latter section, phrases such as "In reality it's all down to Craig Cope" and "Dave Reddington has made a massive difference" keep on cropping up. For some, the fact that they were in the "Jackson OUT" group a couple of seasons ago means that they just can't seem to reconcile that with the current job he's doing. Whether that's because they are so determined to be eventually proven right/not wrong or that they genuinely just can't see what he's doing, I don't know. There's no doubt though that for some, Johnnie Jackson could take us to Champions League glory in 2032 while winning a Eurovision song contest along the way (with his self penned composition "That's why I love shape") and still some people wouldn't be convinced.

I myself was firmly in the Jackson OUT camp after the first season. I thought his signings were rubbish, his communication with the fans uninspiring at best and I didn't feel he "got" the club at all. Everything from his "Man at Zara" touchline garb to his totally unanimated persona while on it screamed "Wrong fit!" to me. The results on the pitch only confirmed it. By chance at a club function I met him and I think it's fair to say we didn't really hit it off. I wanted to like him but the impression I was left with was that he was arrogant, dismissive even. From there, like all armchair pundits and experts, I was convinced I had the answer to why he wasn't doing any good. Like everyone I'd played a bit of football, I just didn't think he'd be the type to get the best out of players. Not behaving like that anyway.

Then came the fans forum thing at the end of the season, the "I've got a dog" Mick Buckley one. I think like many people who were there, that was the beginning of my changing my mind about Johnnie. He got absolutely slaughtered (some of it by me). The fans berated him for all the things I've mentioned and more, I remember "hands in your pockets all of the time" being a particular attack line. It was revealed that part of the reason he'd been hired was because he was cheap, I think everyone in the room felt for him. He handled the flak and the somewhat bizarre format of the "meeting" with courage, conviction and honesty. On a human level it was impossible not to be impressed, I personally think it was the making of him.

Let's be totally clear here, in my opinion Johnnie was extremely fortunate to keep his job after THAT first season. Whether the fact that he did was the result of some incredible foresight by the decision makers or whether they just dithered and got lucky we'll never know. The absolute FACT of the matter is though that however they arrived there, it has proven to be an inspired call. Our man improved a lot in the second season, and this time around he's taken it to a totally new level.

Has he been helped by the Craig Cope/Andy Thorne recruitment machine? Of course he has. Has the appointment of Dave Runnington helped? We have to make the assumption that yes it has (Although I must say I love Rob Tuvey, I hope he might be our manager one day). But, but......

I have to ask, who made the decision to bring the new coach in? Given how popular Rob was, how deep his roots are at the club, that was a MASSIVE call. And that call is down to the manager. Then, although great signings help, anyone who thinks that from there it's easy would do well to check out how Chelsea have gone over the last couple of seasons. Lots of good players in a room are just a group of good players in a room. They become a football TEAM only with good management. You simply cannot watch us play and not notice that we are an extremely well drilled unit, a superbly managed football team.

We are a team and a club going places. Unfortunately our manager before too long will be going places too. Once we've gone up automatically (probably as Champions) I should think the whole football world will have him earmarked as a managerial "bright young thing". Start well in League One next season and by Christmas I should think Johnnie, Skivvers & Dave will be studying Rightmove on a daily basis (hopefully Bayzo stays, forever).

When that happens though, I should think he'd go with EVERY fans best wishes. In many respects it's been a perfect example of a mutually beneficial football arrangement. Our "cheap" and inexperienced manager has learnt on the job. From humble beginnings and a slow start he has grown into it and become an excellent operator. It's been a journey, and the club is now on that journey with him.

So even if you WERE a "Jackson Out" merchant, open your eyes now along with your heart. You are watching a young manager go through the gears and become an excellent operator. Johnnie Jackson (I've met him since a few times) is neither arrogant nor dismissive. He's a good fella. We are on a journey together, get on the train and enjoy the ride.

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